Stock Scam ???
Flushed Face

✅ What is Stock scam ?

✔ Now a days sometimes we recieve a message on phone ….
Like Alert alert buy  10000 shares of xxx company at the price of  17.
in 1 month it will go till 30-35 and so on .
so we are excited  about this stock and bought shares of that comapany at the price of 17 .
In some days the company falls immediately to 15-12-10 and falls up to . 20 becuase in starting i Have faced this scam and from my experience i am telling you about this .
So friends please try to ignore this type of message when you recieved on your mobile ..
When we open our trading account with any broker they just sell our numbers to that type of companies they are doing this type of scam and that company pays some amount to that brokers company so 
✔ If you want to invest in any company please do some research and read balance sheet of that company and read news about that compant growth and after satisfication just buy that shares .. please ignore this type of message …
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